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g;\n\n// This works in non-strict mode\ng = function () {\n return this;\n}();\ntry {\n // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\n g = g || new Function(\"return this\")();\n} catch (e) {\n // This works if the window reference is available\n if (typeof window === \"object\") g = window;\n}\n\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\n\nmodule.exports = g;","/**!\n * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.\n * @version 1.15.0\n * @license\n * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.\n */\nvar isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined';\nvar longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];\nvar timeoutDuration = 0;\nfor (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {\n if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {\n timeoutDuration = 1;\n break;\n }\n}\nfunction microtaskDebounce(fn) {\n var called = false;\n return function () {\n if (called) {\n return;\n }\n called = true;\n window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {\n called = false;\n fn();\n });\n };\n}\nfunction taskDebounce(fn) {\n var scheduled = false;\n return function () {\n if (!scheduled) {\n scheduled = true;\n setTimeout(function () {\n scheduled = false;\n fn();\n }, timeoutDuration);\n }\n };\n}\nvar supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;\n\n/**\n* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred\n* but called in the minimum time possible.\n*\n* @method\n* @memberof Popper.Utils\n* @argument {Function} fn\n* @returns {Function}\n*/\nvar debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;\n\n/**\n * Check if the given variable is a function\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?\n */\nfunction isFunction(functionToCheck) {\n var getType = {};\n return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Get CSS computed property of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Eement} element\n * @argument {String} property\n */\nfunction getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {\n if (element.nodeType !== 1) {\n return [];\n }\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);\n return property ? css[property] : css;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} parent\n */\nfunction getParentNode(element) {\n if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element;\n }\n return element.parentNode || element.host;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} scroll parent\n */\nfunction getScrollParent(element) {\n // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it\n if (!element) {\n return document.body;\n }\n switch (element.nodeName) {\n case 'HTML':\n case 'BODY':\n return element.ownerDocument.body;\n case '#document':\n return element.body;\n }\n\n // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well\n\n var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),\n overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,\n overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,\n overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;\n if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {\n return element;\n }\n return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));\n}\nvar isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);\nvar isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\n/**\n * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Number} version to check\n * @returns {Boolean} isIE\n */\nfunction isIE(version) {\n if (version === 11) {\n return isIE11;\n }\n if (version === 10) {\n return isIE10;\n }\n return isIE11 || isIE10;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the offset parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} offset parent\n */\nfunction getOffsetParent(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;\n // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent\n while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {\n offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;\n }\n var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;\n if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case\n // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...\n if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {\n return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);\n }\n return offsetParent;\n}\nfunction isOffsetContainer(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n if (nodeName === 'BODY') {\n return false;\n }\n return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} node\n * @returns {Element} root node\n */\nfunction getRoot(node) {\n if (node.parentNode !== null) {\n return getRoot(node.parentNode);\n }\n return node;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element1\n * @argument {Element} element2\n * @returns {Element} common offset parent\n */\nfunction findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // Here we make sure to give as \"start\" the element that comes first in the DOM\n var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;\n var start = order ? element1 : element2;\n var end = order ? element2 : element1;\n\n // Get common ancestor container\n var range = document.createRange();\n range.setStart(start, 0);\n range.setEnd(end, 0);\n var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;\n\n // Both nodes are inside #document\n\n if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {\n if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {\n return commonAncestorContainer;\n }\n return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);\n }\n\n // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one\n var element1root = getRoot(element1);\n if (element1root.host) {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);\n } else {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`\n * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels\n */\nfunction getScroll(element) {\n var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';\n var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;\n return scrollingElement[upperSide];\n }\n return element[upperSide];\n}\n\n/*\n * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change\n * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values\n * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values\n * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object\n */\nfunction includeScroll(rect, element) {\n var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;\n rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;\n rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;\n return rect;\n}\n\n/*\n * Helper to detect borders of a given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles\n * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element\n * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`\n * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis\n */\n\nfunction getBordersSize(styles, axis) {\n var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';\n var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';\n return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width'], 10) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width'], 10);\n}\nfunction getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {\n return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);\n}\nfunction getWindowSizes(document) {\n var body = document.body;\n var html = document.documentElement;\n var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);\n return {\n height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),\n width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)\n };\n}\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\nvar defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n return obj;\n};\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n return target;\n};\n\n/**\n * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} offsets\n * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output\n */\nfunction getClientRect(offsets) {\n return _extends({}, offsets, {\n right: offsets.left + offsets.width,\n bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get bounding client rect of given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} element\n * @return {Object} client rect\n */\nfunction getBoundingClientRect(element) {\n var rect = {};\n\n // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't\n // considered in DOM in some circumstances...\n // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11\n try {\n if (isIE(10)) {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n rect.top += scrollTop;\n rect.left += scrollLeft;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop;\n rect.right += scrollLeft;\n } else {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n var result = {\n left: rect.left,\n top: rect.top,\n width: rect.right - rect.left,\n height: rect.bottom - rect.top\n };\n\n // subtract scrollbar size from sizes\n var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};\n var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.right - result.left;\n var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.bottom - result.top;\n var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;\n var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;\n\n // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`\n // we make this check conditional for performance reasons\n if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);\n horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');\n vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');\n result.width -= horizScrollbar;\n result.height -= vertScrollbar;\n }\n return getClientRect(result);\n}\nfunction getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n var isIE10 = isIE(10);\n var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';\n var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);\n var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);\n var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);\n var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth, 10);\n var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth, 10);\n\n // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc\n if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {\n parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);\n parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);\n }\n var offsets = getClientRect({\n top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,\n left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,\n width: childrenRect.width,\n height: childrenRect.height\n });\n offsets.marginTop = 0;\n offsets.marginLeft = 0;\n\n // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent\n // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves\n // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in\n // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.\n if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {\n var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop, 10);\n var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft, 10);\n offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n\n // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them\n offsets.marginTop = marginTop;\n offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;\n }\n if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {\n offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);\n }\n return offsets;\n}\nfunction getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {\n var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);\n var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;\n var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;\n var offset = {\n top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,\n left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,\n width: width,\n height: height\n };\n return getClientRect(offset);\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {Element} customContainer\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to \"isFixed?\"\n */\nfunction isFixed(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return false;\n }\n if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {\n return true;\n }\n var parentNode = getParentNode(element);\n if (!parentNode) {\n return false;\n }\n return isFixed(parentNode);\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement\n */\n\nfunction getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n var el = element.parentElement;\n while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {\n el = el.parentElement;\n }\n return el || document.documentElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computed the boundaries limits and return them\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference\n * @param {number} padding\n * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries\n * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries\n */\nfunction getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n\n var boundaries = {\n top: 0,\n left: 0\n };\n var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);\n\n // Handle viewport case\n if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {\n boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n } else {\n // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries\n var boundariesNode = void 0;\n if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {\n boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n }\n } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n } else {\n boundariesNode = boundariesElement;\n }\n var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n\n // In case of HTML, we need a different computation\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {\n var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),\n height = _getWindowSizes.height,\n width = _getWindowSizes.width;\n boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;\n boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;\n boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;\n boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;\n } else {\n // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good\n boundaries = offsets;\n }\n }\n\n // Add paddings\n padding = padding || 0;\n var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';\n boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;\n boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;\n boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;\n boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;\n return boundaries;\n}\nfunction getArea(_ref) {\n var width = _ref.width,\n height = _ref.height;\n return width * height;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more\n * available space.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {\n var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;\n if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {\n return placement;\n }\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);\n var rects = {\n top: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: refRect.top - boundaries.top\n },\n right: {\n width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,\n height: boundaries.height\n },\n bottom: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom\n },\n left: {\n width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,\n height: boundaries.height\n }\n };\n var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {\n return _extends({\n key: key\n }, rects[key], {\n area: getArea(rects[key])\n });\n }).sort(function (a, b) {\n return b.area - a.area;\n });\n var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {\n var width = _ref2.width,\n height = _ref2.height;\n return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;\n });\n var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;\n var variation = placement.split('-')[1];\n return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the reference element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} state\n * @param {Element} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;\n var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);\n return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties\n */\nfunction getOuterSizes(element) {\n var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);\n var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);\n var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);\n var result = {\n width: element.offsetWidth + y,\n height: element.offsetHeight + x\n };\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement\n * @returns {String} flipped placement\n */\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n var hash = {\n left: 'right',\n right: 'left',\n bottom: 'top',\n top: 'bottom'\n };\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {\n return hash[matched];\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options\n * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {\n placement = placement.split('-')[0];\n\n // Get popper node sizes\n var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);\n\n // Add position, width and height to our offsets object\n var popperOffsets = {\n width: popperRect.width,\n height: popperRect.height\n };\n\n // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently\n var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';\n var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;\n if (placement === secondarySide) {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];\n } else {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];\n }\n return popperOffsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * Mimics the `find` method of Array\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction find(arr, check) {\n // use native find if supported\n if (Array.prototype.find) {\n return arr.find(check);\n }\n\n // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`\n return arr.filter(check)[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the index of the matching object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction findIndex(arr, prop, value) {\n // use native findIndex if supported\n if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {\n return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {\n return cur[prop] === value;\n });\n }\n\n // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported\n var match = find(arr, function (obj) {\n return obj[prop] === value;\n });\n return arr.indexOf(match);\n}\n\n/**\n * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,\n * each of them will then edit the data object.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {dataObject} data\n * @param {Array} modifiers\n * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper\n * @returns {dataObject}\n */\nfunction runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {\n var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));\n modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {\n if (modifier['function']) {\n // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');\n }\n var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {\n // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object\n // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't\n // mess with these values\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);\n data = fn(data, modifier);\n }\n });\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying\n * the new style.
\n * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction update() {\n // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update\n if (this.state.isDestroyed) {\n return;\n }\n var data = {\n instance: this,\n styles: {},\n arrowStyles: {},\n attributes: {},\n flipped: false,\n offsets: {}\n };\n\n // compute reference element offsets\n data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n\n // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`\n data.originalPlacement = data.placement;\n data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;\n\n // compute the popper offsets\n data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);\n data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';\n\n // run the modifiers\n data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);\n\n // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback\n // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback\n if (!this.state.isCreated) {\n this.state.isCreated = true;\n this.options.onCreate(data);\n } else {\n this.options.onUpdate(data);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {\n return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name,\n enabled = _ref.enabled;\n return enabled && name === modifierName;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the prefixed supported property name\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} property (camelCase)\n * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)\n */\nfunction getSupportedPropertyName(property) {\n var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];\n var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);\n for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {\n var prefix = prefixes[i];\n var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;\n if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {\n return toCheck;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Destroys the popper.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction destroy() {\n this.state.isDestroyed = true;\n\n // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled\n if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {\n this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');\n this.popper.style.position = '';\n this.popper.style.top = '';\n this.popper.style.left = '';\n this.popper.style.right = '';\n this.popper.style.bottom = '';\n this.popper.style.willChange = '';\n this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';\n }\n this.disableEventListeners();\n\n // remove the popper if user explicity asked for the deletion on destroy\n // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it\n if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {\n this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);\n }\n return this;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the window associated with the element\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Window}\n */\nfunction getWindow(element) {\n var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;\n return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;\n}\nfunction attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {\n var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';\n var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;\n target.addEventListener(event, callback, {\n passive: true\n });\n if (!isBody) {\n attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);\n }\n scrollParents.push(target);\n}\n\n/**\n * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {\n // Resize event listener on window\n state.updateBound = updateBound;\n getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, {\n passive: true\n });\n\n // Scroll event listener on scroll parents\n var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);\n attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);\n state.scrollElement = scrollElement;\n state.eventsEnabled = true;\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating\n * position of the popper element when they are triggered.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction enableEventListeners() {\n if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction removeEventListeners(reference, state) {\n // Remove resize event listener on window\n getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);\n\n // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents\n state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {\n target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);\n });\n\n // Reset state\n state.updateBound = null;\n state.scrollParents = [];\n state.scrollElement = null;\n state.eventsEnabled = false;\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position\n * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,\n * unless you call `update` method manually.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction disableEventListeners() {\n if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);\n this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tells if a given input is a number\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {*} input to check\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isNumeric(n) {\n return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the style to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setStyles(element, styles) {\n Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {\n var unit = '';\n // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following\n if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {\n unit = 'px';\n }\n element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the attributes to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setAttributes(element, attributes) {\n Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {\n var value = attributes[prop];\n if (value !== false) {\n element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);\n } else {\n element.removeAttribute(prop);\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The same data object\n */\nfunction applyStyle(data) {\n // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,\n // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it\n // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous\n // lines of this modifier!\n setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);\n\n // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,\n // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element\n setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);\n\n // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties\n if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {\n setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);\n }\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used\n * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the\n * correct popper offsets.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.modifiers\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper\n * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options\n */\nfunction applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {\n // compute reference element offsets\n var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);\n\n // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because\n // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations\n setStyles(popper, {\n position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'\n });\n return options;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all\n * @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded\n *\n * The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as\n * good as it can be within reason.\n * Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715\n *\n * Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari\n * as well on High DPI screens).\n *\n * Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on\n * high DPI screens.\n *\n * Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.\n */\nfunction getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var round = Math.round,\n floor = Math.floor;\n var noRound = function noRound(v) {\n return v;\n };\n var referenceWidth = round(reference.width);\n var popperWidth = round(popper.width);\n var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;\n var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;\n var sameWidthParity = referenceWidth % 2 === popperWidth % 2;\n var bothOddWidth = referenceWidth % 2 === 1 && popperWidth % 2 === 1;\n var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthParity ? round : floor;\n var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : round;\n return {\n left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),\n top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),\n bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),\n right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)\n };\n}\nvar isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeStyle(data, options) {\n var x = options.x,\n y = options.y;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n\n // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2\n\n var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';\n }).gpuAcceleration;\n if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');\n }\n var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;\n var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);\n\n // Styles\n var styles = {\n position: popper.position\n };\n var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);\n var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';\n\n // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,\n // we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we\n // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed\n var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n\n // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)\n // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it\n // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content\n // overflowing its reference element\n // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow\n // the consumer to define the offset origin.\n // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set\n // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of\n // its bottom.\n var left = void 0,\n top = void 0;\n if (sideA === 'bottom') {\n // when offsetParent is the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)\n // and not the bottom of the html element\n if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;\n } else {\n top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;\n }\n } else {\n top = offsets.top;\n }\n if (sideB === 'right') {\n if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;\n } else {\n left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;\n }\n } else {\n left = offsets.left;\n }\n if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {\n styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';\n styles[sideA] = 0;\n styles[sideB] = 0;\n styles.willChange = 'transform';\n } else {\n // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties\n var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;\n var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;\n styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;\n styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;\n styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;\n }\n\n // Attributes\n var attributes = {\n 'x-placement': data.placement\n };\n\n // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles\n data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);\n data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);\n data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.
\n * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers\n * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier\n * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {\n var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name;\n return name === requestingName;\n });\n var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;\n });\n if (!isRequired) {\n var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';\n var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';\n console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');\n }\n return isRequired;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction arrow(data, options) {\n var _data$offsets$arrow;\n\n // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {\n return data;\n }\n var arrowElement = options.element;\n\n // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector\n if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {\n arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);\n\n // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier\n if (!arrowElement) {\n return data;\n }\n } else {\n // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the\n // provided DOM node is child of its popper node\n if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');\n return data;\n }\n }\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';\n var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';\n var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();\n var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];\n\n //\n // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its\n // reference have enough pixels in conjunction\n //\n\n // top/left side\n if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);\n }\n // bottom/right side\n if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];\n }\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n\n // compute center of the popper\n var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;\n\n // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets\n // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available\n var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);\n var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized], 10);\n var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width'], 10);\n var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;\n\n // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper\n sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);\n data.arrowElement = arrowElement;\n data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement variation\n * @returns {String} flipped placement variation\n */\nfunction getOppositeVariation(variation) {\n if (variation === 'end') {\n return 'start';\n } else if (variation === 'start') {\n return 'end';\n }\n return variation;\n}\n\n/**\n * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.
\n * Valid placements are:\n * - `auto`\n * - `top`\n * - `right`\n * - `bottom`\n * - `left`\n *\n * Each placement can have a variation from this list:\n * - `-start`\n * - `-end`\n *\n * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right\n * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`\n * is right.
\n * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.\n *\n * Some valid examples are:\n * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)\n * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)\n * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)\n * - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)\n *\n * @static\n * @type {Array}\n * @enum {String}\n * @readonly\n * @method placements\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];\n\n// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`\nvar validPlacements = placements.slice(3);\n\n/**\n * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements\n * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).\n *\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)\n * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise\n * @returns {Array} placements including their variations\n */\nfunction clockwise(placement) {\n var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);\n var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));\n return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;\n}\nvar BEHAVIORS = {\n FLIP: 'flip',\n CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',\n COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'\n};\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction flip(data, options) {\n // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier\n if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {\n return data;\n }\n if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {\n // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides\n return data;\n }\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';\n var flipOrder = [];\n switch (options.behavior) {\n case BEHAVIORS.FLIP:\n flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.CLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement);\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.COUNTERCLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);\n break;\n default:\n flipOrder = options.behavior;\n }\n flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {\n if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {\n return data;\n }\n placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;\n var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;\n\n // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);\n var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);\n var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);\n var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);\n var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);\n var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;\n\n // flip the variation if required\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n\n // flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries\n var flippedVariationByRef = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);\n\n // flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries\n var flippedVariationByContent = !!options.flipVariationsByContent && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop);\n var flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {\n // this boolean to detect any flip loop\n data.flipped = true;\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {\n placement = flipOrder[index + 1];\n }\n if (flippedVariation) {\n variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);\n }\n data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n\n // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with\n // any additional property we may add in the future\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));\n data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');\n }\n });\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction keepTogether(data) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];\n }\n if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);\n }\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string\n * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @returns {Number|String}\n * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted\n */\nfunction toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {\n // separate value from unit\n var split = str.match(/((?:\\-|\\+)?\\d*\\.?\\d*)(.*)/);\n var value = +split[1];\n var unit = split[2];\n\n // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess\n if (!value) {\n return str;\n }\n if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {\n var element = void 0;\n switch (unit) {\n case '%p':\n element = popperOffsets;\n break;\n case '%':\n case '%r':\n default:\n element = referenceOffsets;\n }\n var rect = getClientRect(element);\n return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;\n } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {\n // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport\n var size = void 0;\n if (unit === 'vh') {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n } else {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n }\n return size / 100 * value;\n } else {\n // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value\n // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value\n return value;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} offset\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @argument {String} basePlacement\n * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers\n */\nfunction parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {\n var offsets = [0, 0];\n\n // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width\n // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one\n // will use the other one\n var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n\n // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands\n // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)\n var fragments = offset.split(/(\\+|\\-)/).map(function (frag) {\n return frag.trim();\n });\n\n // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one\n // they could be separated by comma or space\n var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {\n return frag.search(/,|\\s/) !== -1;\n }));\n if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {\n console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');\n }\n\n // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide\n // them by ofset X and Y.\n var splitRegex = /\\s*,\\s*|\\s+/;\n var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];\n\n // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations\n ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {\n // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper\n var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';\n var mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return op\n // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators\n // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]\n .reduce(function (a, b) {\n if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {\n a[a.length - 1] = b;\n mergeWithPrevious = true;\n return a;\n } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {\n a[a.length - 1] += b;\n mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return a;\n } else {\n return a.concat(b);\n }\n }, [])\n // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)\n .map(function (str) {\n return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);\n });\n });\n\n // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations\n ops.forEach(function (op, index) {\n op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {\n if (isNumeric(frag)) {\n offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);\n }\n });\n });\n return offsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction offset(data, _ref) {\n var offset = _ref.offset;\n var placement = data.placement,\n _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var offsets = void 0;\n if (isNumeric(+offset)) {\n offsets = [+offset, 0];\n } else {\n offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);\n }\n if (basePlacement === 'left') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left += offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top += offsets[1];\n }\n data.popper = popper;\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction preventOverflow(data, options) {\n var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n\n // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to\n // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to\n // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken\n if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {\n boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);\n }\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding\n // the size of the popper element itself\n var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification\n var top = popperStyles.top,\n left = popperStyles.left,\n transform = popperStyles[transformProp];\n popperStyles.top = '';\n popperStyles.left = '';\n popperStyles[transformProp] = '';\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed\n popperStyles.top = top;\n popperStyles.left = left;\n popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;\n options.boundaries = boundaries;\n var order = options.priority;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n var check = {\n primary: function primary(placement) {\n var value = popper[placement];\n if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);\n }\n return defineProperty({}, placement, value);\n },\n secondary: function secondary(placement) {\n var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';\n var value = popper[mainSide];\n if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));\n }\n return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);\n }\n };\n order.forEach(function (placement) {\n var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';\n popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));\n });\n data.offsets.popper = popper;\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction shift(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];\n\n // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier\n if (shiftvariation) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper;\n var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n var shiftOffsets = {\n start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),\n end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])\n };\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);\n }\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction hide(data) {\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {\n return data;\n }\n var refRect = data.offsets.reference;\n var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';\n }).boundaries;\n if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === true) {\n return data;\n }\n data.hide = true;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';\n } else {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === false) {\n return data;\n }\n data.hide = false;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;\n }\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction inner(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;\n popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);\n data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned\n * to its `fn` property.
\n * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must\n * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.\n *\n * @function ModifierFn\n * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified\n */\n\n/**\n * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.
\n * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities\n * needed by the library.\n *\n * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.\n * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.\n * @namespace modifiers\n */\nvar modifiers = {\n /**\n * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference\n * element.
\n * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.
\n * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n shift: {\n /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 100,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: shift\n },\n /**\n * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.\n *\n * It accepts the following units:\n * - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels\n * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element\n * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element\n * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit\n * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit\n *\n * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.
\n * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the\n * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.\n *\n * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values\n * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.
\n * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be\n * removed in v2.
\n * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.\n * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.\n *\n * Valid examples are:\n * ```\n * 10\n * '10%'\n * '10, 10'\n * '10%, 10'\n * '10 + 10%'\n * '10 - 5vh + 3%'\n * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'\n * ```\n * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap\n * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.\n * > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n offset: {\n /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 200,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: offset,\n /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n */\n offset: 0\n },\n /**\n * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.\n *\n * A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.
\n * We can say it has \"escaped the boundaries\" — or just \"escaped\".
\n * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:\n *\n * - detach from the reference and remain \"trapped\" in the boundaries, or\n * - if it should ignore the boundary and \"escape with its reference\"\n *\n * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely\n * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)\n * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n preventOverflow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 300,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: preventOverflow,\n /**\n * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]\n * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,\n * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries\n * and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding\n * between the edges of its container\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'\n * Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,\n * `viewport` or any DOM element.\n */\n boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'\n },\n /**\n * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other\n * without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is\n * enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.\n * It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin\n * between the popper and its reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n keepTogether: {\n /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 400,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: keepTogether\n },\n /**\n * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make\n * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.\n * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many\n * pixels of conjunction are needed.\n *\n * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n arrow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 500,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: arrow,\n /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */\n element: '[x-arrow]'\n },\n /**\n * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its\n * reference element.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n *\n * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will\n * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n flip: {\n /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 600,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: flip,\n /**\n * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'\n * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of\n * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid\n * placements (with optional variations)\n */\n behavior: 'flip',\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'\n * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.\n * The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries\n * (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)\n */\n boundariesElement: 'viewport',\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false\n * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when\n * the reference element overlaps its boundaries.\n *\n * The original placement should have a set variation.\n */\n flipVariations: false,\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false\n * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when\n * the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.\n *\n * The original placement should have a set variation.\n */\n flipVariationsByContent: false\n },\n /**\n * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.\n * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside\n * the reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n inner: {\n /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 700,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: false,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: inner\n },\n /**\n * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the\n * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can\n * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is\n * out of boundaries.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n hide: {\n /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 800,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: hide\n },\n /**\n * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets\n * properly positioned.\n *\n * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles\n * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful\n * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.\n *\n * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility\n * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method\n * to change in future major versions of the library.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n computeStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 850,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: computeStyle,\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties\n */\n gpuAcceleration: true,\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='bottom']\n * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`\n */\n x: 'bottom',\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='left']\n * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`\n */\n y: 'right'\n },\n /**\n * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.\n *\n * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case\n * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you\n * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.\n *\n * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element\n * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!\n *\n * Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n applyStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 900,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: applyStyle,\n /** @prop {Function} */\n onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,\n /**\n * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties\n */\n gpuAcceleration: undefined\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.\n * This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.\n * @name dataObject\n * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance\n * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper\n * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init\n * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier\n * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper\n * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier\n * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries\n * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0\n */\n\n/**\n * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.
\n * These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.
\n * To override an option, simply pass an object with the same\n * structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:\n * ```\n * new Popper(ref, pop, {\n * modifiers: {\n * preventOverflow: { enabled: false }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n * @type {Object}\n * @static\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar Defaults = {\n /**\n * Popper's placement.\n * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'\n */\n placement: 'bottom',\n /**\n * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode\n * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false\n */\n positionFixed: false,\n /**\n * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.\n * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true\n */\n eventsEnabled: true,\n /**\n * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when\n * you call the `destroy` method.\n * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false\n */\n removeOnDestroy: false,\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is created.
\n * By default, it is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onCreate}\n */\n onCreate: function onCreate() {},\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called\n * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent\n * updates.
\n * By default, it is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onUpdate}\n */\n onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},\n /**\n * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.\n * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.\n * @prop {modifiers}\n */\n modifiers: modifiers\n};\n\n/**\n * @callback onCreate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback onUpdate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n// Utils\n// Methods\nvar Popper = function () {\n /**\n * Creates a new Popper.js instance.\n * @class Popper\n * @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper\n * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)\n * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance\n */\n function Popper(reference, popper) {\n var _this = this;\n var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n classCallCheck(this, Popper);\n this.scheduleUpdate = function () {\n return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);\n };\n\n // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick\n this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));\n\n // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it\n this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);\n\n // init state\n this.state = {\n isDestroyed: false,\n isCreated: false,\n scrollParents: []\n };\n\n // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)\n this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;\n this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;\n\n // Deep merge modifiers options\n this.options.modifiers = {};\n Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {\n _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});\n });\n\n // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)\n this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {\n return _extends({\n name: name\n }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);\n })\n // sort the modifiers by order\n .sort(function (a, b) {\n return a.order - b.order;\n });\n\n // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited\n // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier\n // they could add new properties to their options configuration\n // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!\n this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {\n if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {\n modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);\n }\n });\n\n // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place\n this.update();\n var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;\n if (eventsEnabled) {\n // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations\n this.enableEventListeners();\n }\n this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;\n }\n\n // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the\n // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs\n\n createClass(Popper, [{\n key: 'update',\n value: function update$$1() {\n return update.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'destroy',\n value: function destroy$$1() {\n return destroy.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'enableEventListeners',\n value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {\n return enableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'disableEventListeners',\n value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {\n return disableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.\n * @method scheduleUpdate\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n\n /**\n * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.\n * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you\n * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.\n *\n * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated\n * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.\n * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't\n * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!\n * @static\n * @private\n * @type {Object}\n * @deprecated since version 1.8\n * @member Utils\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n }]);\n return Popper;\n}();\n\n/**\n * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js\n * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.
\n * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates\n * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.\n *\n * ```\n * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);\n * ```\n *\n * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.\n * @name referenceObject\n * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect\n * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.\n * @property {number} data.clientWidth\n * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.\n * @property {number} data.clientHeight\n * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.\n */\n\nPopper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;\nPopper.placements = placements;\nPopper.Defaults = Defaults;\nexport default Popper;","// shim for using process in browser\nvar process = module.exports = {};\n\n// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it\n// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is\n// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a\n// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.\n\nvar cachedSetTimeout;\nvar cachedClearTimeout;\nfunction defaultSetTimout() {\n throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');\n}\nfunction defaultClearTimeout() {\n throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');\n}\n(function () {\n try {\n if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n try {\n if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n})();\nfunction runTimeout(fun) {\n if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);\n } catch (e) {\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);\n } catch (e) {\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error\n return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction runClearTimeout(marker) {\n if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedClearTimeout(marker);\n } catch (e) {\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);\n } catch (e) {\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.\n // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout\n return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);\n }\n }\n}\nvar queue = [];\nvar draining = false;\nvar currentQueue;\nvar queueIndex = -1;\nfunction cleanUpNextTick() {\n if (!draining || !currentQueue) {\n return;\n }\n draining = false;\n if (currentQueue.length) {\n queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);\n } else {\n queueIndex = -1;\n }\n if (queue.length) {\n drainQueue();\n }\n}\nfunction drainQueue() {\n if (draining) {\n return;\n }\n var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);\n draining = true;\n var len = queue.length;\n while (len) {\n currentQueue = queue;\n queue = [];\n while (++queueIndex < len) {\n if (currentQueue) {\n currentQueue[queueIndex].run();\n }\n }\n queueIndex = -1;\n len = queue.length;\n }\n currentQueue = null;\n draining = false;\n runClearTimeout(timeout);\n}\nprocess.nextTick = function (fun) {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n }\n }\n queue.push(new Item(fun, args));\n if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {\n runTimeout(drainQueue);\n }\n};\n\n// v8 likes predictible objects\nfunction Item(fun, array) {\n this.fun = fun;\n this.array = array;\n}\nItem.prototype.run = function () {\n this.fun.apply(null, this.array);\n};\nprocess.title = 'browser';\nprocess.browser = true;\nprocess.env = {};\nprocess.argv = [];\nprocess.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues\nprocess.versions = {};\nfunction noop() {}\nprocess.on = noop;\nprocess.addListener = noop;\nprocess.once = noop;\nprocess.off = noop;\nprocess.removeListener = noop;\nprocess.removeAllListeners = noop;\nprocess.emit = noop;\nprocess.prependListener = noop;\nprocess.prependOnceListener = noop;\nprocess.listeners = function (name) {\n return [];\n};\nprocess.binding = function (name) {\n throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');\n};\nprocess.cwd = function () {\n return '/';\n};\nprocess.chdir = function (dir) {\n throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');\n};\nprocess.umask = function () {\n return 0;\n};","(function (global, undefined) {\n \"use strict\";\n\n if (global.setImmediate) {\n return;\n }\n var nextHandle = 1; // Spec says greater than zero\n var tasksByHandle = {};\n var currentlyRunningATask = false;\n var doc = global.document;\n var registerImmediate;\n function setImmediate(callback) {\n // Callback can either be a function or a string\n if (typeof callback !== \"function\") {\n callback = new Function(\"\" + callback);\n }\n // Copy function arguments\n var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n args[i] = arguments[i + 1];\n }\n // Store and register the task\n var task = {\n callback: callback,\n args: args\n };\n tasksByHandle[nextHandle] = task;\n registerImmediate(nextHandle);\n return nextHandle++;\n }\n function clearImmediate(handle) {\n delete tasksByHandle[handle];\n }\n function run(task) {\n var callback = task.callback;\n var args = task.args;\n switch (args.length) {\n case 0:\n callback();\n break;\n case 1:\n callback(args[0]);\n break;\n case 2:\n callback(args[0], args[1]);\n break;\n case 3:\n callback(args[0], args[1], args[2]);\n break;\n default:\n callback.apply(undefined, args);\n break;\n }\n }\n function runIfPresent(handle) {\n // From the spec: \"Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one have completed.\"\n // So if we're currently running a task, we'll need to delay this invocation.\n if (currentlyRunningATask) {\n // Delay by doing a setTimeout. setImmediate was tried instead, but in Firefox 7 it generated a\n // \"too much recursion\" error.\n setTimeout(runIfPresent, 0, handle);\n } else {\n var task = tasksByHandle[handle];\n if (task) {\n currentlyRunningATask = true;\n try {\n run(task);\n } finally {\n clearImmediate(handle);\n currentlyRunningATask = false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n function installNextTickImplementation() {\n registerImmediate = function (handle) {\n process.nextTick(function () {\n runIfPresent(handle);\n });\n };\n }\n function canUsePostMessage() {\n // The test against `importScripts` prevents this implementation from being installed inside a web worker,\n // where `global.postMessage` means something completely different and can't be used for this purpose.\n if (global.postMessage && !global.importScripts) {\n var postMessageIsAsynchronous = true;\n var oldOnMessage = global.onmessage;\n global.onmessage = function () {\n postMessageIsAsynchronous = false;\n };\n global.postMessage(\"\", \"*\");\n global.onmessage = oldOnMessage;\n return postMessageIsAsynchronous;\n }\n }\n function installPostMessageImplementation() {\n // Installs an event handler on `global` for the `message` event: see\n // * https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.postMessage\n // * http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/comms.html#crossDocumentMessages\n\n var messagePrefix = \"setImmediate$\" + Math.random() + \"$\";\n var onGlobalMessage = function (event) {\n if (event.source === global && typeof event.data === \"string\" && event.data.indexOf(messagePrefix) === 0) {\n runIfPresent(+event.data.slice(messagePrefix.length));\n }\n };\n if (global.addEventListener) {\n global.addEventListener(\"message\", onGlobalMessage, false);\n } else {\n global.attachEvent(\"onmessage\", onGlobalMessage);\n }\n registerImmediate = function (handle) {\n global.postMessage(messagePrefix + handle, \"*\");\n };\n }\n function installMessageChannelImplementation() {\n var channel = new MessageChannel();\n channel.port1.onmessage = function (event) {\n var handle = event.data;\n runIfPresent(handle);\n };\n registerImmediate = function (handle) {\n channel.port2.postMessage(handle);\n };\n }\n function installReadyStateChangeImplementation() {\n var html = doc.documentElement;\n registerImmediate = function (handle) {\n // Create a